Saturday, October 19, 2019

Why the Catholic Church’s new saint John Henry Newman is surprisingly relevant in a Pope Francis era

Pope Francis on Sunday will canonize John Henry Newman, a Victorian-era intellectual, Catholic convert and cardinal. A self-described “controversialist,” Newman was an early leader in the Oxford Movement, an attempt to reinstate ancient forms of faith and worship in the Church of England. After converting to Catholicism at age 44, Newman went on to found a Catholic university and a religious community, as well as a school, and he clashed with authoritarian, or “Ultramontane,” Catholics over the issue of papal infallibility.
Unlike many of Francis’s recent actions, the decision to make Newman a saint has won praise from both conservative and liberal Christians. Scratch the surface, though, and it’s easy to find deep disagreements about the life and legacy of this modern saint, who is often invoked to praise and condemn the pope’s vision.--> READ MORE