Saturday, October 19, 2019

Pope faces 'threat of religious coup from traditionalists in Catholic Church'

POPE FRANCIS is under threat in the Vatican as his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI – along with the traditionalist wing of the Catholic Church backed by former Donald Trump strategist Steve Bannon – look to undermine his Papacy, according to journalist Wayne Madsen. Wayne Madsen, in his article for Strategic Culture Foundation, outlines that Francis’s enemies have challenged his authority due to his differing approach. Mr Madsen says that when Francis vowed to clean up the Church of paedophile priests, he was charged by his right-wing enemies, including, Benedict, Maria Vigano, Raymond Burke, Steve Bannon, Opus Dei, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, of tolerating paedophiles and homosexuals in the church. Francis has attempted to thwart corruption in Vatican City, where corporate cash is frequently funnelled to dodge regulations and tax. As Mr Madsen highlights, on October 1, 2019, Francis ordered Vatican police to seize documents, computers, and portable electronic devices from the Vatican Secretary of State and the Financial Information Authority, the latter the financial watchdog of the Vatican.--> READ MORE