Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Italian bishops’ mission org publishes ‘prayer to Pachamama’ in official booklet

A prayer to Pachamama, the “Mother Earth” venerated by indigenous tribes such as the Aymara and Quechua in the Andes but also in the northern plains of Argentina and in Brazil near Bolivia and Peru, has been found in an official booklet of the Fondazione Missio (Mission Foundation) of the Italian bishops’ conference.
The prayer is presented without warning about the fact that it is addressed not to God — another prayer in the publication, written in the same letter-type and the same color scheme, is addressed to the “Most Holy Trinity” — but to a pagan divinity, asking for material prosperity and aiming to placate the spirits of the Earth.
The booklet is part of a series of resources presenting the work and aims of the Catholic mission and its missionaries, with a special focus on the Amazon Synod that took place in Rome from October 6 to October 27.
It was published before the opening of the synod. The presence of the “Pachamama” in an official publication of de Italian bishops’ mission agency suggests that both the group comprising indigenous natives of the Amazon region and their European-type accompaniers and the Catholic hierarchy in Rome were fully aware of the “Mother Earth”–type cult with syncretic Christian overtones that repeated itself in the Vatican gardens and the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina near Saint Peter’s Basilica and at an “Amazonian” Via Crucis.--> READ MORE

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