Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Bishop Schneider on attempted gender ‘transition’ for 7-yr-old: ‘barbarity,’ ‘insanity’

VIRGINIA, October 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan, called the effort to force seven-year-old James Younger to undergo a gender “transition” a “horrible abuse of a child” that demonstrates the level of “barbarity” and “insanity” our “Western unbelieving society” has reached.  Speaking with LifeSiteNews about a variety of topics during his much anticipated trip to the eastern United States, Bishop Schneider, one of the most outspoken defenders of orthodoxy and reason in the Catholic Church, called the claiming of a right to force children to undergo so-called sex changes “one of the last steps of the gender dictatorship.” The James Younger case is being used as a tool of the “gender ideology dictatorship,” said the bishop.
“We can only hope that this father will win the process,” he said, but either way, we should pray for James, that he be allowed to reach adulthood unharmed.
“They are abusing a child who cannot ... decide for himself,” said Bishop Schneider. “To abuse him for their own — the ideologies of adults, of the depraved and even of this perverse gender ideology — it is, for me, a shame and a horrible abuse of a child.”--> READ MORE

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