Sunday, May 1, 2022

Tra Le Sollecitudini – “Among the cares”

The Pope reminds the Roman Church that, just like the Eastern Rites, the “music proper to the Church is purely vocal music” however, “music with the accompaniment of the organ is also permitted.” Other instruments could be admitted, but it was up to the local Bishop.

The singing must have a principal place and the instruments are there only to “sustain and never oppress it.” Pope St. Pius X then writes this: “The employment of the piano is forbidden in church, as is also that of noisy or frivolous instruments such as drums, cymbals, bells and the like.” Today, the piano is much more widely accepted in the Sacred Liturgy, but the organ enjoys the favor of the Church as the favored instrument.

If the instruments are used in the Sacred Liturgy to support the singing, and nothing more, then it would stand to reason that while the piano can be played appropriately (as a source of the melody of hymn rather than primarily as a percussive instrument). The drums, cymbals, bells, and other instruments like electric guitars and overly active acoustic guitars are out of place in the Sacred Liturgy, according to all prevailing liturgical laws. The voice is primary, the organ is preferred, and care should be taken. -- READ MORE

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