Monday, November 4, 2019

Why Catholics honoring Pachamama is a result of apostasy

How can it happen that idolatry enters the temple of God without a bad conscience, but rather with a bold rejoicing? 
Statuettes, which were eventually and officially identified as “Pachamama” idols, were not only the focus of a loud media hype for being rightly thrown into the Tiber, but became the symbol and the cipher of the just-ended Amazon Synod. It was an event that dealt with idolatry. The premises were already laid in the Instrumentum laboris.
It was clear from the beginning that the Amazon Synod would present a new eco-religion linked to the Earth – Mother Earth, a symbol of pronounced femininity and a source of inspiration and prophecy for our time which would give the Church its “true” face, an “Amazonian” face. It was a face that was revealed, in fact, in the carved fertility fetish.
The effort of the Vatican media to dissuade the public from the idea that it was promoting the Pachamama religion in Rome could not erase the anger and outrage of those Catholics who had the courage to raise their voices. As always, there were only a few. The fact that a liberal English magazine like The Tablet was anxious to disguise the idolatrous danger by providing a Christian hermeneutic of those statuettes says a lot.--> READ MORE

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