Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Catholics to protest Houston Satanic ‘Black Mass’ with rosary rally, prayers of reparation

Catholics will rally outside a Texas brewery on Saturday to pray and denounce a “Black Mass” to be held there by a Satanic group.
Members of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and at least two Catholic parishes plan to participate in prayers of reparation at local churches as well as a rosary rally outside the Brash Brewery in Houston, where pro-abortion Satanists will conduct what is claimed to be the first public “Black Mass” in the region.
Rosary rally organizer Karen Pomes told LifeSiteNews that she has been harassed by callers who claim to be Satanists and others who have sent dozens of objectionable text messages. Undaunted, Pomes said in an interview that she and other Catholics will pray Saturday near the Brash Brewery to ask God’s forgiveness for the Satanic ritual. She said “prayer warriors” from Louisiana and as far as Wisconsin are coming to join local activists at the rosary rally. She said she expects priests from Houston to also attend.
Among prominent Catholics calling attention to the rally in opposition to the Black Mass was Dr. Taylor Marshall. On social media, he wrote: “This is what you are up against, Catholic Houston. Petty blasphemers.” --> READ MORE

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