Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How Amazon Synod could lead to more Muslim violence against Christians

As I said in a recent column, Pope Francis doesn't understand Islam. More proof of that came on October 4th when the pope participated in what has been described as a "highly symbolic tree-planting ceremony."
Well, you could call it that, but most tree-planting ceremonies don't involve mandalas, hymns to "Mother Earth" and kneeling before statues of pregnant women.
Presumably, that's how Amazonian Indians conduct tree-planting ceremonies, but this ritual was held in the Vatican Gardens, and one of the statues (a carving, really) was presented to Pope Francis during the fertility rite.
But what does Islam have to do with it? Well, in one sense, nothing. Islam wants nothing to do with such activities. Islam was founded as a strict monotheistic religion, and when its founder entered Mecca in 630 he removed and destroyed the 361 idols to pagan gods that were on display in the Kaaba.
In another sense, however, it's likely that Ayatollahs and Imams everywhere are paying close attention to the Catholic Church's new found interest in "Mother Earth". Why? Well, first you need to understand just how seriously some Church leaders are about transforming the Church into something new and strange. Unless you've been on an extended vacation in the more remote areas of the Amazon rainforest, you know that the preparatory document for the Amazon Synod seems to be preparing us for a new Church with an Amazonian face. The document seems to affirm the legitimacy of pantheism, paganism, and ancestor worship. Moreover, contrary to established doctrine, it asserts that the Amazon region is itself a source of divine revelation.--> READ MORE

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